Maybe Life Is a Series of Mountains

Maybe life is a series of mountains.

Some are mild. A gentle incline. You can see a clear path ahead that takes you to the end.

But then you come across another mountain. This one is much steeper. Your lungs are burning, your heart is racing, your legs are fatigued but you make it to the top. You catch your breath, enjoy the view and continue on your journey.

Maybe some time passes where the landscape is flat. It’s nice and easy here.

But again, you come across another mountain. This one has what feels like an impossible incline. You quickly learn that you don’t have the tools and equipment needed to move forward. You feel stuck.

Until you come across someone on the same mountain who shares some nourishment and encouraging words with you. Until you meet someone else who says they’ve climbed this mountain before. They give you advice on how to get to the top and offer some of their tools to help get you there.

You still have no idea how you’ll make it through this mountain but you keep moving forward. And sure enough, you eventually reach the peak of this mountain you’d never thought you’d climb. You take in the view and appreciate a moment of peace. And even though you see more mountains in the distance you trust that you’ll get through each of them.


Finding Possibility in Uncertain Futures


Emotions as Messengers