Co-Creating Therapeutic Experiences with Nature
Nature therapy, often referred to as ecotherapy, recognizes nature as an active participant in the healing process. Instead of viewing nature as merely a backdrop for therapy sessions, we embrace the idea of co-creation, where both the individual (you!) and the natural world play essential roles in the healing journey. In traditional Western talk therapy, the therapist takes on the role of the “expert”, guiding the client through structured sessions and evidence-based interventions. In contrast, nature therapy recognizes that healing is not solely dependent on human expertise but is facilitated by the inherent wisdom of the natural world. Instead of a one-sided approach where the therapist holds all the knowledge and expertise, co-creation recognizes that healing is a shared journey that unfolds in partnership with nature.
It's essential to acknowledge that the healing practices involving nature are ancient traditions deeply ingrained in the wisdom of indigenous cultures worldwide. Here in Los Angeles County, it is imperative to me as a nature therapy guide to honor the original stewards of this land, the Tongva people, who had a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world. The Tongva held a sacred reverence for the earth, recognizing it as a source of sustenance, wisdom, and healing. Indigenous communities, like the Tongva, have long embraced various nature-based rituals for healing and spiritual growth.
In nature therapy, we recognize nature as the ultimate therapist—a powerhouse of healing energy and wisdom. That’s why I’m called a nature therapy guide, not a nature therapist. I guide others back to their relationship with the ultimate therapist, nature, through practices such as meditation and mindfulness, sensory awareness and nature-based rituals. By immersing ourselves in natural environments, we open ourselves up to deep healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels; we tap into the energies of the earth, the soothing rhythms of the seasons and the timeless wisdom encoded in every leaf, rock and stream. Co-creation emphasizes collaboration between you and nature. Rather than passively receiving therapy from a therapist, you can actively engage with the natural environment by participating in activities and practices that facilitate healing.
Nature therapy offers a powerful alternative to traditional talk therapy, reminding us of the ancient wisdom that has always existed within and around us. By embracing the principles of co-creation and communing with nature, we open ourselves up to profound transformation.