Is Virtual Therapy Right for You?
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way many services are delivered, including therapy. In March 2020, us therapists packed up our offices and began conducting therapy virtually to protect clients and ourselves. “Can you see me?” “You’re muted” and “You’re frozen” became the resounding chorus echoing through our homes turned office spaces.
When you think of therapy, you might think of the relational exchange between you, the client, and your therapist. This exchange depends on the flow of conversational energy and detecting shifts in facial expression and tone of voice. How is it possible to replicate this exchange through a screen? I admit, I was a skeptic at first. However, I was quickly surprised with how much energy I was able to sense through the screen. And I was also surprised to find that I was still very much in tune with my client’s body language and other subtle queues they were consciously or subconsciously providing me in a virtual space. I now prefer to conduct my sessions in a virtual space since I feel that it is just as effective as an in-person session.
But is the virtual therapy space right for you? Let’s talk about some of the benefits that I’ve noticed when it comes to virtual therapy.
Virtual therapy is more convenient. No driving to a therapy office. No waiting rooms. Simply logging into the therapy room makes the process of meeting with your therapist much more convenient for you especially if you have a busy schedule.
Virtual therapy is more accessible. If you live in a remote area, have physical limitations or experience other barriers that deter you from getting to a therapy office, with virtual therapy a session with your therapist is available within your home at the click of a button.
Virtual therapy is more efficient. Similarly to being more convenient, attending a virtual therapy session takes out time driving to and from the therapy office and waiting until the appointment starts. You save a chunk of time by eliminating all of that with online therapy.
You have the comforts of home nearby. When you partake in a virtual therapy session within your home you can wrap yourself in your coziest blanket or drink tea from your favorite mug. Being in your own safe space potentially allows you to relax into processing emotions and feelings that many find difficult to process in an in-person setting. However, not everyone has a private and quiet space to participate in a virtual therapy session. If you feel that your home environment might be a barrier to having a successful therapy session, maybe in-person therapy is a better option.
There are many benefits to virtual therapy as well as in-person therapy. It all comes down to your preferences and deciding on what you feel like would support your healing the most.